If you’re a hat and a makeup fanatic, you’ve come to the right place because here, we’re going to give you tips on how to make sure your makeup is compatible with your hat and vice versa. You need to balance both so that they accentuate and complement each other instead of bringing each other down!
Follow these hat-makeup compatibility tips below and never worry about going overboard with either again!
If you’re wearing a hat down low, your eyes will barely be visible. Don’t pay a vain attempt to bring them under attention. Instead, choose a soft eyeshade and a smooth and simple eyeliner! Don’t forget to add a coat of mascara and fix your brows with some brow gel!
With a hat that’s worn higher up, you can use a darker liner style like a winged liner but don’t go for bold, smokey eyes because they’ll leave your hat attention deprived!

Highlight and contour! Highlighting your cheekbones and the tip of your nose will give them a lift and enhance your hat-look! Don’t go overboard with the blush and keep it to a minimum! You don’t want to look like a tomato.

Lip rule # 1: Your lip shade shouldn’t be darker than the color of your hat!
Apart from that, if you’re wearing a bold, crazy hat, match your lipstick with the color of the hat. This will accentuate and enhance the look of your hat.

However, if you’re wearing a casual hat for a casual event, stick to more natural lip colors!

These were some of the basic makeup tips for hat wearers! Tune in for detailed instructions! Also, every face is different so don’t forget to explore and experiment what suits your hat look!